Hey everyone, just a quick update as I'm in the middle of cramming for the bar exam.
BC Law Magazine published an article about the Human Rights Semester in Practice. The articles features three of my friends who went to South Africa, the Azores, and China, as well as my experience in Guatemala. If you kept up with my blog - you know that it is only a small piece of my experience. But, nonetheless I wanted to share with you the magazine article so you could see what some of my classmates were up to as well.
Anyway, I must return to the studying. Today is Friday. The California Bar Exam is next Tuesday! I feel like I'm not ready. Even if they gave me the rest of my life to prepare I doubt I'd ever really feel "ready". Nonetheless, the truth is that my confidence is constantly fluctuating, and most of the time I'm convinced that all of this hard work has to pay off.